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Tuesday, March 31, 2009

I Come to Bury Caesar, Not to Praise Him

I'm just a three pound dog, but even I can tell the Banner's coverage of Ted Malone's "rant" is a deliberate attempt on the part of that "newspaper" to discredit Mr. Malone and his community housing projects. The biped has sat through innumerable rants and listened to more than one outrageous accusation, but it's never been the feature of a Banner article.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Lemons and Their Various Uses

There's a lemon tree in the garden and it truly seems as if suddenly there are a half-dozen ripe lemons on it.

So I've been trying to think of things to do with lemons. Lemonade. Lemon tarts. Lemon verbena. Liz Lemon. Lemon coffee. Lemon oatmeal. Lemon and mozzarella salad.

We've had a few new peeps over. Marilyn was here! It was so great to lick her!

And then Jenny and Julie came. The biped knew Jenny in high school, too. Who needs to go to a reunion when you can make your own? Everybody has loved that naked lady painting!

He made migas for them, a Mexican specialty. The biped thinks he can make them even better than a Mexican restaurant, but I just find that offensive. I mean, my ancestors were Mexican. Who does he think he is? And look at those paper towels on the table! That's class!!

Otherwise, I've been having a good time lying on the rug, playing with my bunny and leaving pool prints around the house.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Dog Day Afternoons

The biped and I have had a flurry of visitors and it's not over yet! An hour after Tracy left, Tom and Scott arrived!

Boy, do those guys know how to EAT!!

And we got to enjoy the firepit! It was a night without wind, which locals will tell you is RARE for where the biped rented his house--at least that's what they say. In fact, we've found the residents of Palm Springs to be very helpful and open with their advice. They like to say things like, "You shouldn't leave anything in your car, ESPECIALLY where you are" and "If you think it's windy where you are, you should go to the Mountain Gate neighborhood!" The biped is not letting it ruin his good time, but I am! It's so windy!!!

One thing I got a good laugh about was the biped's fascination with the Parker Meridien. As previously mentioned, the biped refuses to take me there. He's gone twice and is going again tomorrow. After the last visit, they found this sign hidden behind a chair near the entrance. Uh oh!

And guess who turned up just an hour before Tom and Scott left? Uncle Steve!

All of that aside, the biped spends his days between his books, his desk and the pool. I like to sleep late, then have a leisurely breakfast on the carpet and take the sun for the rest of the day--between naps, of course!

Monday, March 23, 2009

L'Ancien Régime

One of the biped's many visitors was his friend from college, Tracy. Tracy lives in Scottsdale, but made the drive up to spend a couple days by the pool.

They went to the Parker for brunch. I told the biped they would totally let me in there, but he said I always order too much and always the most expensive things, so he left me at home.

We lounged on grass lawn chairs.

And we generally were hanging out. It was a nice visit. Next year I'll go to Scottsdale and I'll get to visit with her daughters, Sydney and Tabitha.

She brought this great gift!

And the biped bought a pair of beautiful Louis XV armchairs in black leather. Or are they Louis XVI? Bergères? Whatever they are, they're gorgeous! From an estate sale. $500 for the pair. Here I am modelling one in the garden.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

At Swim, One Dog

Here's my first swimming lesson! I think I did pretty good!

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Wearin' o' the Green

The biped is a little bit Irish, but he doesn't celebrate St. Patrick's Day. I'm NOWHERE near Irish, but I just love it! Kiss me, I'm Irish! Everyone's Irish on St. Patrick's Day! Here's my St. Paddy's sweater!

The biped has had a few guests back and forth--that last picture I posted a few days ago--well, that is Matt and the giant. They all went up to the top of Mount San Jacinto here and got a tourist pic taken. They thought it would be cute to do Charlie's Angels. Yeah, whatever. In the meantime, here's a photo essay the biped took while he was up there. I wasn't allowed!! No dogs on Mount San Jacinto!!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

The Ides (plus one) of March

Well, nothing bad happened on the ides. It was actually a great day. I slept a lot. I got to hang out in the garden behind this cactus I really like. It's next to a brick wall that feels really warm all day from the sun. The biped seemed like he had a decent enough day, too. He was either in the pool or at his desk all day.

But don't think it's all work and no play. Here are some photos of me playing in the garden!

Here are some more gratuitous photos of the garden and pool.

The biped is engaging in a Mexican restaurant triathlon. Here's one of his favorites so far.

And look who we ran into at coffee this morning! Woody!

Here's a preview of things to come. Don't be frightened--this photo is as bad as it gets.

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Provincetown, Massachusetts, United States
I am a California native transplanted to the East Coast and have grown to accept both the snowy weather of winter and the hard-bitten attitudes of New Englanders. Since I moved here in October of 2006, I think I've become something of a native, although the locals will always call me a "bark-ashore". If you have any questions, just ask!