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Friday, July 31, 2009

Hot Lobster Pot...

Who is this dashing young Hollywood type seen leaving Fag Bash on Wednesday night??

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Hermann Hesse

A great writer, so I'm told. The biped is reading Siddhartha right now (thanks to Sumner!) and he said he is really enjoying it. A beautiful book, he said. Here's a passage that he thought was beautiful and demanded that I post...
Not long after settling in Kamaswami's home, Siddhartha was already taking part in his host's transactions. But every day at the hour that she set, he visited beautiful Kamala: he wore lovely clothes, fine shoes, and soon he also brought her gifts. Her clever red lips taught him a lot. Her tender, supple hand taught him a lot. In regard to love, he was still a boy, and he tended to plunge into pleasure blindly, endlessly, insatiably. So she thoroughly taught him that one cannot take pleasure without giving pleasure, and that every gesture, every caress, every touch, every glance, every last bit of the body has its secret, which brings happiness to the person who knows how to wake it. She taught him that after a celebration of love the lovers should not part without admiring each other, without being conquered or having conquered, so that neither is bleak or glutted or has the bad feeling of having misused or been misused. He spent wonderful hours with the clever and beautiful artist, became her pupil, her lover, her friend. Here, with Kamala, lay the value and purpose of his current life, and not with Kamaswami's business.

Hmmmmm. I don't know if I get it.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Summer Lovin'

Summer has finally caught up with the biped. I'm loving it. The heat. The lazy days. The beach and the garden. The warm pools of sun that move across the living room floor.

But the biped.....well, not so much. He complains he's too hot, it's too humid, there are too many people, it's too noisy, the streets are crowded, people act like they are on vacation or something, they're out of control, screaming and wandering across your path when you come barrelling down Commercial Street on your bicycle. Ring!! Ring!!! Out of the way!!! Everybody out of the way!!!

The biped has also been doing a few dune tours. We had what is affectionately referred to as "GirlSplash", a summer week dedicated to the ladies. They had a really beautiful and pleasant bonfire on the beach last week--here are some photos.

And the biped has been having dinner parties again. He finally got a table!! Here it is...

Here are some beautiful flowers Suzi brought over! I missed Bo, but maybe next time...and Suzi brought some toys for my birthday! A little ducky and a little froggy! At least someone got me presents.....

The biped continues to be somewhat gaga over the hollyhocks. I mean, they're nice, but they're certainly not remarkable. But I post these for him.

And to be quite honest, I think it's time for me to take a nap in the blue laundry basket. I'm exhausted.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Passing the Bottle

The biped is still recovering. Bear Week and its aftermath are still with us. He got to see his good friends Jack and Andy.

Here he is at the beach with Jon, two bears at swim.

And his friend Brett came for a visit.

They went on a whale watch and Brett got some great pictures.

The weather was beautiful.

And the hollyhocks are still blooming!

Here's an iconic shot of Provincetown from Snail Road--so many artists have painted this view and now the biped thinks he can dupe it as a photograph.....whatever.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Grrrrrrizzly Fest

Well, this past week has been all about the bears. The town has been crawling with them-and the biped has had some friends in town, too.

But look at this tea-dance! Mobbed with large hairy men.

And let's not forget about the view.

So that's really it, isn't it? While the biped has been running around chasing bear-tail, he hasn't taken the time to notice that the weather has turned for the better. We've had some spectacular summer days. I've been out to the beach.

There was a bear dune tour, too. Here they are foraging.

And here is the light across the dunes and the beautiful color from this remarkable sunset.

And let's not forget the garden. Another hollyhock has started to bloom. And the bee balm, too! I'm really growing to like it, in spite of its moldy leaves!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

High Tide

The biped just got these photos from a beach trip we took a couple weeks ago with my Uncle Jon. He's a great photog. The biped is screaming at me to post them all. I want to choose one or two, but he keeps shouting "All of them! All of them!" So here they are. They are wicked cute. I don't even have to enter the cutest puppy on earth contest. It's already in the bag!

Monday, July 13, 2009

Art Seen

Fridays in Ptown are usually when the galleries have their big openings and the biped went around to a couple. First, it was the launch party for the new issue of Provincetown Arts Magazine. The biped wrote three pieces this year for the magazine. It sounds like it was a great party, too!

Here's Chris Busa, the publisher.

Here's Varujan Boghosian, a great artist/box constructionist and a feature of the magazine this year.

Here's one of Boghosian's pieces.

Then the biped went to the Fine Arts Work Center. They had this giant hedge on wheels--it's called a Porta-Hedge--it even has its own website!

He also hit Berta Walker's and Julie Heller's galleries. Amazing things to be seen at both!

And the weather seems to have really changed for the better. Here are some beautiful shots of the port and the town that same evening.

The garden is growing, too. The first hollyhock bloomed.

And there are new blooms starting on the salvia.

And that lavender is growing like crazy!

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Provincetown, Massachusetts, United States
I am a California native transplanted to the East Coast and have grown to accept both the snowy weather of winter and the hard-bitten attitudes of New Englanders. Since I moved here in October of 2006, I think I've become something of a native, although the locals will always call me a "bark-ashore". If you have any questions, just ask!