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Sunday, August 30, 2009

Brooklyn Powerhouse

Here are some more New York pictures! The biped's friend Michelle sent these along and they are great!

Here's the book launch for Kaylie Jones' book at the Powerhouse Arena.

Here's Kaylie and the biped!

She's an amazing writer--the biped has been reading her stuff to me. Lies My Mother Never Told Me is a MUST READ!!! BUY IT!!!

And here are some pictures of me on the steps of a real New York brownstone!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Very impressive Clovis! I am reading Kaylie's book now and I LOVE it. The biped is right, she is good. Looks like you did not want to leave steps of the brownstone....xo your friend,
I can't take it there, it is TOO loud, I shake all the time!!!

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Provincetown, Massachusetts, United States
I am a California native transplanted to the East Coast and have grown to accept both the snowy weather of winter and the hard-bitten attitudes of New Englanders. Since I moved here in October of 2006, I think I've become something of a native, although the locals will always call me a "bark-ashore". If you have any questions, just ask!