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Friday, March 6, 2009

From Mile 1,703 to Mile 3,394

After Vicksburg, the biped and I hotfooted it to Dallas, where we slept over at Julie's house. They went out for dinner and I caught up on my reading.

Otherwise, Dallas was something of a blur.

In the morning, we visited with a friend of the biped's from High School (it's his twentieth reunion this year). The friend is moving to a new house. Check this place out--they build big in Texas. And is it FLAT there!

I kept asking the biped what the history of this placename might be, but he refused to answer me. It's just outside of Fort Worth. I said "Worth what?"

Then we hit the road. Check out the windmills. They were EVERYWHERE in West Texas.

Here are the cottonwoods at a rest area outside of Pecos, Texas. This is where a wild, out-of-control beagle attacked me. Fortunately, the biped had me on the harness. As the wild dog charged (it's owners, both stupid and incompetent, were milling around their camper/truck shouting, "Stop Bruiser! Stop the dog! Stop Bruiser!" Um, have you heard of a LEASH?), the biped lifted me by the harness and I was swung around wildly like one of those carousels at an amusement park. I was not amused.

The desert mountains of West Texas along I-10 are beautiful.

We spent the night at rest stops. I stayed in the car. I can't even begin to think of what the biped was up to, he was in the restroom for so long! We stopped outside of Tucson first and slept there for about four hours. Then the biped couldn't sleep anymore (I could!) and we drove another two hours and stopped at a rest area south of Phoenix where he got another hour and a half. Here's a beautiful desert sunrise from that second rest area.

At about 10:30am on March 1st, we pulled into Palm Springs. AT LAST!!

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Provincetown, Massachusetts, United States
I am a California native transplanted to the East Coast and have grown to accept both the snowy weather of winter and the hard-bitten attitudes of New Englanders. Since I moved here in October of 2006, I think I've become something of a native, although the locals will always call me a "bark-ashore". If you have any questions, just ask!