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Thursday, November 6, 2008

Highs and Lows

I have to say, I've been a little under the weather. I haven't been eating and I've been a little sluggish, but the biped is making me fresh chicken and rice now and things are getting better. Although the biped running around shouting and dancing on his toes isn't helping. He's all excited about Barack Obama and I have to say so am I. It's fun watching the new White House take shape before my eyes. You know with Rahm Emanuel as chief-of-staff things are going to get done.

As usual, Gail Collins gives great perspective on the election. Here's my favorite part:

Congratulations to Senator Susan Collins on her re-election. The entire moderate Republican caucus in the Senate may now wind up consisting of women from Maine. As Maine goes, so go the Supreme Court nominations.

To celebrate the Democratic sweep, the biped and I took a walk yesterday. The first time I've been out of the house in days. I'm amazed for November that flowers are still blooming on the street.

The red on these trees along Mechanic Street is beautiful.

These mums looked better when I took the picture. Maybe it's time to change them.

This is how I like to hold my ears sometimes.


Unknown said...

Hope you are feeling a little bit better. Chicken and rice always seems to do the trick for me.
Love and Kisses, your friend always,

Clovis said...

Hi Bo-
I have to say, I am back on my feet. I've been running wild today. But the biped is so uptight, he's all crazy because I have completely abandoned every rule I learned about potty training. Oh, well! Back to square one!


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Provincetown, Massachusetts, United States
I am a California native transplanted to the East Coast and have grown to accept both the snowy weather of winter and the hard-bitten attitudes of New Englanders. Since I moved here in October of 2006, I think I've become something of a native, although the locals will always call me a "bark-ashore". If you have any questions, just ask!