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Monday, November 10, 2008

Clothes, Clams and Collins

Did anyone see what Michelle Obama was wearing? I think she looked sensational. Like a super-model. A huge triumph after that unfortunate dress on election night. And poor Laura. She can't help that she looks like she's wearing a gunnysack. Especially standing next to the Amazon-like Michelle.

The fall weather has been more like Indian summer. It's been so mild and the leaves are still beautiful.

Clamming season has begun and the clamdiggers of 1938--I mean 2008--are out in force.

The biped is still euphoric over the election. He showed me Gail Collins column from a few days ago--I just got around to reading it. It's funny as always and covers all the bases. Particularly when she compares Joe Lieberman to a squirrel breaking into someone's house and setting the living room on fire. It's a metaphor. And I hate squirrels anyway. Read it.

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Provincetown, Massachusetts, United States
I am a California native transplanted to the East Coast and have grown to accept both the snowy weather of winter and the hard-bitten attitudes of New Englanders. Since I moved here in October of 2006, I think I've become something of a native, although the locals will always call me a "bark-ashore". If you have any questions, just ask!